Monday, January 14, 2008

My Word for 2008

OK. There's a "thing" that some scrapbookers do at the start of a year. They choose a word that is supposed to be their "theme word" for the year.

I didn't do it last year; I thought it was hokey.

This year, I actually have a word in mind.


In sports, they have "rebuilding years". Usually for a college team, it's when your star players have graduated and you have to start from scratch again.

Well, that's kind of where I am.

When I moved to my new area, it took me several months to find a job. I tried to start my job search before I arrived here, but no one really wanted to talk to me until I arrived. And once I arrived, I couldn't find an opening -- not even at WalMart! I finally found a good job, and I really like it, but being out of work for so long was rough financially. I'm digging out, but I will be OK.

I am also rebuilding relationships -- I have a new church that I'm getting acquainted with (and really enjoying), and I am making friends. I'm getting to know my coworkers. I'm getting to know my colleagues in other offices, and have already participated in a search committee to hire a new staff member in my office.

This whole year is a fresh start for all that and more. I'm really excited to see how it all shapes up!


monica.coffman said...

That's a great word! Here's to a great rebuild in 2008! :)

Conibaer said...

Your word rocks! Great choice!