Tuesday, May 06, 2008


OK. I don't usually blog about politics.

However, there's one issue that's really getting to me lately. That's Hillary's backing of the "vacation from the federal gas tax". Um... can anyone say PANDERING? Seriously.

The federal gas tax is $0.18. Yes, that's right. Eighteen cents.

Lifting that tax wouldn't do much for anyone's budget. If you have a 12-gallon gas tank and fill your car twice a week, it amounts to less than $5.00 per week. That's really NOT a significant amount, and if you fill your 12-gallon tank once a week, it's around $2.16.

Since I'm a once-a-week tank filler, Hillary's grand scheme MIGHT allow me to go to the movies once a month. Really, now, we're talking about $9 per month.

Finally, who ever said that the gas companies would pass the savings on to the consumer? They are in business to make money. I would be shocked if they actually passed those savings on to us.

And, when it goes back on in the Fall, it's going to HURT for prices to go up $0.18 all at once.

Just my opinion...

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